Support Services
The clinical component of THG North Hills Prep is equal in importance to the academic component. Psychological health and development is a crucial aspect of the school.
The Clinical/DIS Counseling Department staff is composed of licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, Social Workers, and Registered Interns working under the supervision of the Clinical Director. School counseling services are coordinated with the school’s academic and behavior staff as well as outside professionals (i.e., outpatient therapy and psychiatric services).
Designated Individual Service (DIS) or Educationally Related Intensive Counseling Services (ERICS) Counseling is funded by the student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). This weekly service allows the student to receive support through weekly counseling with a focus on social/emotional functioning that negatively affects academic progress. These services may also support the student in developing long-term academic and vocational goals and support the development of life skills needed as the student matures and develops more independence in the community. Counselors assist students in the development and implementation of an Individual Transition Plan (ITP). In addition to weekly counseling sessions, counselors are involved in consultations with teaching and behavioral staff, consult with outpatient service professionals, participate in IEP meetings, coordinate parent meetings, and are available during the school day when a student is experiencing a crisis situation.

Both The Help Group and the NHP Counseling Department sponsor an ongoing series of educational programs for the school community. Announcements of upcoming webinars and meetings are sent to parents via email.
Students participate in prevention programs throughout the school year. These usually include programs on substance use and abuse and sexuality issues.
Academic staff participates in staff in-services and consultations with the counseling staff. These include weekly “Team Meetings,” and in-service programs to assist staff in improving skills to work more effectively with a variety of students presenting with behavioral, emotional, and learning difficulties.
To ensure that our students and their families receive appropriate and adequate services, counselors may provide referrals to community agencies (i.e., psychiatric hospitals, community mental health agencies, Department of Rehabilitation, substance abuse treatment centers) and/or individual private professionals (i.e., psychiatrists, psychotherapists, educational therapists).

The Help Group offers additional support to our students for the purpose of improving behavior and academic growth. Families with MediCal have access to this support. If you are interested, please let us know so we can assist with the referral process.
The Help Group works collaboratively with outside treatment providers such as Psychiatrists and Therapists, to ensure the necessary linkage and treatment coordination is provided for the progress of the student. With the consent of the family, consultation meetings can be set up with the outside providers through the student’s School Counselor.

According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), schools must develop IEPs for all students eligible for special education services. Based on a student’s assessed need, the school district will provide Educationally Related Intensive Counseling Services (ERICS) to a student with disabilities, as determined by the IEP Team, as part of the federal mandate to provide a free appropriate public education (FAPE). When an IEP team determines that ERICS services are necessary for a student to access his or her special education program, based on a psycho-educational assessment conducted by a credentialed school district psychologist, the school district will determine a District- assigned service provider. All student assessments for ERICS, including IEP team recommendations for placement in a non-public school with an associated residential treatment center (NPS/RTC), will be provided by school district personnel. This is not an emergency procedure: the evaluation process takes approximately 90 days before a recommendation will be made in a reconvened IEP meeting.
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